All Too Well

The dance company Alleyne Dance was founded by the choreographers, dancers and twin sisters Kristina and Sadé Alleyne from London. For the piece All Too Well, they and the dance ensemble took on the theme of water, exploring rituals and traditions surrounding the procurement of water. 

The creative focus is on the struggles, dangers and rituals surrounding water extraction, which is part of everyday life in many countries and regions. 

The work was  inspired by the story of two sisters  Aaisa and Saint from Adbar in India. It illustrates the the extremely difficult decisions that families living in poverty must make to obtain water and survive. It also shows the responsibility an individual must home to provide for families and community. 

All Too Well is a physical, rhythmic and emotional work. Although it is abstract narrative, the audience can follow one dancer and their responsibility to their friend and others in their community. 


POWER with 2Faced Dance Co