Iro Konti

Iro Konti was born and raised in Athens, Greece. In 2012 she graduated from Law Department of Democritus University of Thrace and the same year she secured a scholarship to study at the Greek National School of Dance in Athens, from where she graduated in 2015. While she was still studying, she had the chance to collaborate with Hellenic Dance Company and perform pieces choreographed by Anton Lachky and Jukstapoz Dance Co.After graduating she continues as an apprentice for Jasmin Vardimon Dance Co(JV2). As a performer she has

collaborated with Jasmin Vardimon, Linda Kapetanea &Jozef Frucek (Rootlessroot Dance Co.), Russell Maliphant, Romeo Castelluci, Marianna Kavallieratos, Tzeni Arguriou, Ermira Goro, Alexandros Stavropoulos among others, performing pieces in various theatres in Greece and abroad.

In 2020 she performs her first solo production called “Numbed Emotion”. In 2022 she started her collaboration with Alleyne Dance Company as part of the production “Far From Home”. Iro’s practice is focusing on how differently we can use body and speech in order to create an abstract and at the same time very specific language. Through her work she aims to address larger societal issues, to shake public’s vision of society.