Giorgia Gasparetto

Giorgia graduated from SEAD - Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (Austria) and has worked with various directors and choreographers such as Heike Hennig, Jan Lauwers (Needcompany) and Paul Blackman for the Salzburg Festspiele, Pietro Marullo, Dejà Donné, Jacopo Spirei, Barnaby Booth, and others. Giorgia joined the Alleyne Dance company (UK) in 2021.  

In 2018 she created her first authorial work, the solo "The Home of Camila", which won awards at the Masdanza Festival and the Bucles Festival. The work was invited to numerous festivals around Europe (e.g., Zawirowania, Connecting Lab, Erbsenfabrik, LugarFuturo) and was selected as a finalist for the DirezioniAltre festival and the CortoinDanza festival (Italy).  

Her duet "Vicina Distanza", conceived and choreographed together with Priscilla Pizziol, set designer Santo Krappmann and produced by the company Zerogrammi, has received important awards in numerous festivals and won the call Permutazioni curated by Zerogrammi, Fondazione Piemonte dal vivo/Lavanderia a Vapore (TO).   

Her dance blends different practices, styles and disciplines, also incorporating voice work and circus theatre after an experience of a tour with a traveling circus.